OZBUDAK MAKINA , which is known with its innovations in silage machines industry today, was founded by Lütfü ÖZBUDAK in the 1970s. Our company continus its activities in Odemis located in Küçük Menderes basin, which is one of the most common places of animal husbandry in Turkey. OZBUDAK MAKINA started its international journey in 2004 with its first export. OZBUDAK MAKINA became a brand in demand both domestic and internationally with high quality machines that it produced for agricultural equipments industry. From its blades to the transmission of the machines that are being produced today, all components are manufactured via its own wide equipment pool. After many years, in 2017 Agroz Makina has been established under the OZBUDAK MAKINA. AGROZ MAKINA aim to represent OZBUDAK brand to international market. Also AGROZ MAKINA offers more wide equipment pool to their customers with used equipments or any agricultural equipment options. In our times OZBUDAK MAKINA & AGROZ MAKINA keep contiunue to their business with their ‘be qualified be permanent’ mentality.
OZBUDAK MAKINA has always pay attention to quality. OZBUDAK MAKINA also officially registered the reliability and quality of the machines that is produces with test reports and quality certificates from authorized institutions. OZBUDAK Makina is increasing its market share as the days pass and also sells its products to the distributer offices in Turkey as well as with Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and Beet Cultivators Cooperatives Association. We are diversifying the territories we are exporting to day by day and continuing to establish distribution network worldwide.